Published on Sep 23, 2013 Brought to you by Erik Kyle, Publisher of Great Lakes Scuttlebutt Magazine, interviews Keith Lange from NanoFusion, at the 2013 International Boatbuilders Exhibition.
Awlgrip Founder Forms National Rep Firm
Posted on 05 September 2013 – Soundings Trade Only Today Click here to view original post: David Halcomb, the recently retired founder of Awlgrip, said Wednesday that he formed a national rep firm to handle marina, boatyard and fuel dock sales of DieselFusion and PetrolFusion. “Along with our consultancy I have been looking for another technological breakthrough from the aviation industry, like Awlgrip was 40 years ago. The folks …Read More
Ocean Acidification and NanoFusion Revolutionary Formulas
Due to NanoFusion chemists proving that using DieselFusion and PetrolFusion reduces dangerous emissions such as Lead (Pb), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxide (N0x), Sulfur Oxide (S0x), Sulfur Dioxide (S02), Sulfur Trioxide (S03), Unburned Hydrocarbons (HC), Sulfur (S), and particulate matter or soot (PM), the follow information concerning ocean acidification is of great significance to our interests. NanoFusion’s revolutionary formulas bond with dangerous Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) compounds, the leading cause of …Read More
Magic Fuel Juice? | Randy Vance | Boating Magazine
Magic Fuel Juice? by Randy Vance | Boating Magazine | July 30, 2013 Click here to view post: I’m the biggest Doubting Thomas in the world when it comes to fuel additives claiming to make fuel last longer or burn better or do other miraculous things like increase economy or speed in a boat or car. Gasoline is gasoline and it contains a given amount of energy and based …Read More