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Dealer inquiries are welcome. Please contact the representative in your area for more information.

NorthEastern United States

David Halcomb

Email: david.halcomb@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 262-914-7002

MidAtlantic United States

Bruce Brown

Email: bruce.brown@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 401-965-4975

SouthEastern United States

Kelly McMillen

Email: kelly.mcmillen@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 262-914-7002

GreatLakes United States

Kevin Haines

Email: kevin.haines@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 262-914-7002

WestCoast United States

Tony McCormick

Email: tony.mccormick@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 262-914-7002


Explorer Yacht Services Ltd
6911 Graybar Rd
Richmond BC V6W1H3

Contact: Sax Parker

Phone: 604 720 8055

New Zealand

Transport and Marine Ltd
46 Pandora Road, Ahuriri
Napier 4110
New Zealand
Contact phone: Int +64 6 8353390 / NZ 06 8353390

 More coming soon.

Dealer inquiries are welcome. Please contact us for more information.

Dealer inquiries are welcome. Please contact the representative in your area for more information.


Nanofusion International Australia Pty Ltd

Clive Brown

Email: salesAust@nanofusionint.com

Phone: +61 (0)439 867 880

Western Australia

Clive Brown

Email: clive.brown@nanofusionint.com

Phone: +61 (0)439 867 880

South Australia and Northern Territory

Andrew Nairn

Email: andrew.nairn@nanofusionint.com

Phone: +61 (0)424 875 362

Geoff Green

Email: geoff.green@nanofusionint.com

Phone: +61 (0)438 374 170


Explorer Yacht Services Ltd

Sax Parker

Email: salesCa@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 604 720 8055

New Zealand

Nanofusion Sales NZ Limited

Jason Rikkers

Email: salesNZ@nanofusionint.com

Phone: Int +64 6 8353390 / NZ 06 8353390

Commercial Fishing & Tug Distributor

EcoFuel Catalysts, Corp.

Contact: William (Bill) Palombo

Email: william.palombo@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 401-849-8300

Commercial Yacht Accounts

Bruce Brown

Email: bruce.brown@nanofusionint.com

Phone: 401-965-4975